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1. Statement and Scope of Commitment

Vector Security, Inc., d/b/a Vector Security Networks (f/k/a Vector Intelligent Solutions, LLC) is committed to conforming to the requirements of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commissions (CRTC) in Canada, including with respect to improving the accessibility of our products and services in Canada. We continually work to offer, sell, resale, and otherwise provide products and services, and to treat our employees (“team members”), in a manner that respects the dignity of people. This plan outlines the steps we plan to take to achieve these goals in Canada in conformance with the requirements of the CRTC.

For clarity, Vector Security Networks is a United States-based company. We (i) do not offer, sell, resale, and otherwise provide any products and/or services to individual consumers in Canada; (iii) have no physical Vector Security Networks branch office location(s) in Canada; and, (iii) customers and potential customers in Canada are limited to large multi-location commercial customers (“National Account Customers”). This plan applies to Vector Security Networks to the extent that it offers, sells, resells, and otherwise provides basic telecommunications services in Canada.


2. Designated Contact and Contact Information; Alternative Formats of Plan

In the event of any questions, concerns, or other feedback on any issues involved with accessibility from our National Account Customers or other interested persons (a “Feedback Submitter”), please contact:

By telephone: Toll Free #: 877-200 3021

By email:

By mail: Attn: Legal (re. Accessibility)
Vector Security Networks
2000 Ericsson Drive
Warrendale, PA 15086


If a Feedback Submitter would like to be contacted in response to the Feedback Submitter’s concerns, please let us know the preferred method of communication. Otherwise, we will respond to the Feedback Submitter through the same method used to contact us, including to confirm receipt.

A Feedback Submitter has the option of providing feedback anonymously. If a Feedback Submitter does, we will take note of such anonymous feedback through our usual internal process but will not respond to the Feedback Submitter directly.

Any personal information a Feedback Submitter discloses to us while providing feedback on accessibility will be kept confidential and treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy posted to our website.

If a website visitor would like to request an alternative format of this plan, free of charge, upon request, please contact us in one of the ways listed above. Vector Security Networks can provide this plan in a printed physical copy. If the website visitor has another format in mind, we will make commercially reasonable efforts to find a mutually agreeable format.

Website visitors may also view this plan in larger text format, higher color contrast, and using other accessibility features available through our website third-party plugin, also known as a Widget, called UserWay which is in compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and is powered by this third party’s dedicated accessibility server.  See the Accessibility Statement posted to our website that informs visitors of use of the WCAG compliant tool.

3. Key Areas

A. Employment

Overview: Vector Security Networks is committed to fair and accessible employment practices to promote equal opportunity and an accessible work environment that is affirming and safe for our team members.

Accessibility Goals:

• Identified Barrier: Job applicants and team members may face discrimination.

Policies and Actions: Vector Security Networks is an equal opportunity employer. In accordance with applicable law, Vector Security Networks prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or any other s protected by law. Our commitment to equal opportunity employment applies to all persons involved in our operations and prohibits unlawful discrimination by any team member, including managers and coworkers.

Timeline: Continual


• Identified Barrier: Job applicants and team members may have physical or mental disabilities.

Policies and Actions: Reasonable accommodation will be provided to individuals with a known physical or mental disability of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability who is an applicant or a team member, unless undue hardship and/or a direct threat to the health and/or safety of the individual or others would result, and would enable the individual to apply for, or perform, the essential functions of the position in question.

Vector Security Networks has a policy and procedure on who with our Human Resources department to contact to request such an accommodation, as well as next steps to communicate with the team member and engage in an interactive process to determine the nature of the issue and what, if any, reasonable accommodation may be appropriate.

If the accommodation is reasonable, will not impose an undue hardship, and will not pose a direct threat to the health and/or safety of the individual or others, then Vector Security Networks will make the accommodation. The applicant or team member is required to fully cooperate with Vector Security Networks in seeking and evaluating alternatives and accommodations. Vector Security Networks may require medical verification of both the disability and the need for accommodation.

Timeline: Continual


B. The Built Environment

Overview. Vector Security Networks’ offices are not opened to the public. We are committed to ensuring that our team members have barrier-free access to our offices.

Vector Security Networks’ workforce is remote or work from Vector Security Networks offices located in the United States. For purposes of this plan, reference to “workstations” cover both workstations contained in Vector Security Networks offices, as well as our team members’ day-to-day workstations in their own homes.

Accessibility Goals:

• Identified Barrier: Team members may face physical discomfort or mobility issues in working at their workstations.

Policies and Actions. As with other team member accommodations, requested accommodations to workstations are addressed on a case-by-case basis by Vector Security Networks’ Human Resources department and in conformance with Vector Security Networks’ policies on reasonable accommodation for individuals with known disabilities, as described in the plan above under the key area of Employment.

Timeline: Continual


• Identified Barrier: Our employees may face barriers in physically accessing our office buildings. These may include for example barriers posed by exterior and interior paths of travel, building entrances, ramps, stairs, doorways, washrooms, signage, parking and flooring.

Policies and Actions: As with other team member accommodations, requested accommodations are addressed on a case-by-case basis by Vector Security Networks’ Human Resources department and in conformance with Vector Security Networks’ policies on reasonable accommodation for individuals with known disabilities, as described in the plan above under the identified key area of Employment.

Timeline: Continual


C. Information and Communication Technologies

Overview: Vector Security Networks’ goal is to provide barrier-free access to its Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in Canada, and to ensure the design and delivery of our services to customers in Canada takes accessibility into account. Vector Security Networks does not publicly advertise in Canada and our provision of products and services in Canada is limited to National Account Customers.

Accessibility Goals: Since our provision of products and services in Canada may include ICT, we have considered ICT together with the design and delivery of our programs and services. Vector Security Networks does not publicly advertise in Canada and our provision of products and services in Canada is limited to National Account Customers.

• Identified Barrier: Since Vector Security Networks’ website is generally available to the public, we are mindful that individuals in Canada may access our website, regardless of the fact that Vector Security Networks does not offer, sell, resell, or otherwise provide products and/or services to individual consumers in Canada. Access to any company’s website can be challenging for persons having certain disabilities.

Policies and Actions: Vector Security Networks has made efforts to accommodate access to our website as is reasonable given our size, resources, and knowledge of our customers and potential customer’s needs. Our website provides several methods, features, and policies that can help with access to our website and/or to products or services provided or referred to on our website or by our business. In particular, our website contains a third-party plugin, also known as a Widget, called UserWay which is compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and is powered by this third party’s dedicated accessibility server. Use of this Widget can improve website access for some users, particularly related to certain type of disabilities. We have an Accessibility Statement posted to our website that inform visitors of use of the WCAG compliant tool and provides Vector Security Networks contact information if the website visitor is having difficulty with access to Vector Security Networks’ website even after utilizing any access features within the website and/or any third party or browser features. We will continue to utilize a WCAG compliance tool and address any feedback we receive related to accessibility issues.

Timeline: Continual


• Identified Barrier: Customers may experience barriers to accessibility for persons with disabilities as relates to receiving technical support remotely, including when scheduling repair services or remotely troubleshooting. For example, if a customer is seeking to schedule a repair service call, Vector Security Networks may assist the customer by troubleshooting remotely before scheduling an on-site repair service call.

Remote troubleshooting of this type can pose a barrier to accessing service. For example, people may have physical mobility restrictions that may not allow them to easily access the hardware at issue.

Policies and Actions: Since Vector Security Networks only offers, sells, resells, and/or other provides products and services to National Account Customers in Canada, our dealings are with employees of such National Account Customers. Our experience is that National Account Customers have their own policies on accommodations in place with respect to their employees. For example, such employee of our National Account Customer may choose to ask a co-worker to contact Vector Security Networks or otherwise assist them.

That said, our technical support team(s) may not be familiar with all available accommodations or may have difficulty identifying that an employee of such National Account Customer requires an accommodation.

As a next step, we will develop a specific “quick reference” guide or training course for our team members who provide technical support services to National Account Customers in Canada to advise on: (a) how to identify barriers to accessibility for persons with disabilities in troubleshooting; and, (b) common types of accommodations for addressing specific barriers for persons with disabilities, including advising the employee of the National Account Customer to inform his/her employer of the need for a reasonable accommodation as relates to his/her job duties.

Timeline: By or around the second quarter of 2025


• Identified Barrier: Employees of customers in Canada may face barriers to accessibility for persons with disabilities in seeking to communicate with our sales and customer support in general. This may include employees of customers with visual, auditory or cognitive impairments.

Policies and Action(s): Employees of customers in Canada can contact Vector Security Networks via a variety of methods, including by phone, email, or text. Our team members involved in sales and customer support have communication skills appropriate for their job duties and are trained on how to identify when to escalate complaints where they cannot reasonably assist.

However, our sales and customer support team(s) may not be familiar with all available accommodations or may have difficulty identifying that an employee of such National Account Customer requires an accommodation.

As a next step, we will develop a specific “quick reference” guide for our team members to advise on: (a) how to identify barriers to accessibility for persons with disabilities when an employee of a National Account Customer communicates with Vector Security Networks; and, (b) common types of accommodations for addressing specific barriers to accessibility for persons with disabilities, including advising the employee of the National Account Customer to inform his/her employer of the need for a reasonable accommodation as relates to his/her job duties.

Timeline: Next steps in or around the second quarter of 2025


• Identified Barrier: There may be barriers to accessibility for persons with disabilities for employees of National Account Customers understanding our existing customer-facing policies, such as our privacy policy.

Policies and Action(s): Our customer-facing policies, including our privacy policy, is made available publicly on our website in conformance with the WCAG standard. Terms and conditions applicable to products and services offered, sold, resold, and/or otherwise provided to National Account Customers in Canada are not posted or otherwise available on our website.

Timeline: Continual


D. Communication, other than ICT

Overview: Vector Security Networks communicates internally with team members, as well as externally with our National Account Customers, vendors, and other partners. Given the common use of ICT, we primarily communicate information via ICT. However, we recognize the importance of live interactions with our National Account Customers, team members, vendors, and other partners, and the various departments with Vector Security Networks have autonomy to communicate with their audience in a manner that is most appropriate for their needs.

Accessibility Goals:

• Identified Barrier: There may be barriers to accessibility for persons with disabilities with respect to communications with National Account Customers, team members, vendors, and other partners, and the various departments with Vector Security Networks.

Policies and Action(s): As with other team member accommodations, requested accommodations are addressed on a case-by-case basis by Vector Security Networks’ Human Resources department and in conformance with Vector Security Networks’ policies on reasonable accommodation for individuals with known disabilities, as described in the plan under the identified key area of Employment.

Team members who communicate with National Account Customers, vendors, and other partners via method(s) other than ICT, may not be familiar with all available accommodations or may have difficulty identifying that an employee of such National Account Customer, vendor, or other partner requires an accommodation.

As a next step, we will develop a “quick reference” guide or training for our team members to advise on: (a) how to identify barriers to accessibility for persons with disabilities when communicating with National Account Customers, vendors, and other partners via method(s) other than ICT; and, (b) common types of accommodations for addressing specific barriers when communicating with National Account Customers, vendors, and other partner(s) via methods other than ICT, including advising the employee of such National Account Customers, vendors, and other partners to inform his/her employer of the need for a reasonable accommodation as relates to performance of his/her job duties.

Timeline: By or around the second quarter of 2025


E. Procurement

Overview: Vector Security Networks buys products and services that support our business operations and activities. Currently, except with respect to our own team members, accessibility for persons with disabilities is not considered for any products and services.

Accessibility Goals:

• Identified Barrier: Not all employees who may engage in procurement of products and services that Vector Security Networks uses in relation to products and/or services offered, sold, resold, and/or otherwise provided in Canada are aware of the importance of accessibility in the procurement process.

Policies and Actions(s): Vector Security Networks will undertake the following next steps:

1. Update Vector Security Networks’ internal procurement process and RFP template to remind team members of the need to consider accessibility requirements of the products or services, if applicable.

2. Develop an accessibility policy for procurement that:

a. Identifies potential barriers to accessibility persons with disabilities looking to participate in procurement process; and,
b. Explains how accessibility considerations of a product or service should be identified at the procurement state.

1. By or around the first quarter of 2025
2. By or around the third quarter of 2025

This VECTOR SECURITY NETWORKS ACCESSIBILITY PLAN (BASIC TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES IN CANADA) may be updated by Vector Security Networks from time-to-time through the posting of an updated version to Vector Security Networks’ website.

Last Revision Date: 10/22/24