Expand Your IT Team with NOC-as-a-Service

Our network experts and PCI-compliant Network Operations Center (NOC) monitors your circuits and network devices for outages and service issues, so your team can focus on other critical business applications.

Let’s talk about the benefits of a third-party NOC.

Locations Screen

Complete visibility.

Live dashboard gives your business 24/7 visibility into your network performance. Zero trust. Zero touch. 100% visibility.

NOC-as-a-Service Benefits Your Business

Part of Your Team

As an extension of your IT team, our network experts perform the tasks to keep your locations up and connected 24/7.

Experience That Matters

Our team and our NOC leverages years of experience working with over 400 Telecom/Internet Service Providers.

Network Updates

Our NOC analysts oversee the equipment replacement process and perform configuration changes.

Complete Visibility into Your Network Performance

When something unexpected happens on your network at even one of your sites and you don’t know about it, your business and your bottom line will suffer.

If your IT team is stretched too thin dealing with minor outages and alarms, you could expand your team – and your payroll – to try to solve the problem. Or you could make Vector Security part of your team.

As an extension of your IT team, our network experts perform the tasks to keep your locations up and connected 24/7, so your team can focus on other critical business applications.

Network Servers

Solutions You Need, When You Need Them

Vector Security Networks maintains strong relationships in the managed network industry, so we can provide our customers with reliable access to the networking equipment they need…when they need them.

Let's learn work grow together.

Let’s talk about the benefits of a third-party NOC.

Vector Security Networks